12 products
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Unzipped Knitwear Storage Bag With Grey Wool Jumper inside and a drawer sachet sitting on top on jumper. The knitwear bag is placed on a elegant chair | Total Wardrobe CareWhite Knitwear Storage Bag Half Unzipped With Clear Sides Showing A Couple Of Wool Jumpers Inside
Knitwear & T-Shirt Storage Bag
Sale priceFrom £10.00
Open knitwear bag with 2 folded cashmere jumpers and anti-moth sticker on top with cherry blossoms surroundingKnitwear and t-shirt storage bag on white background with black tassel
Cashmere Storage Bag
Sale priceFrom £24.00
Sold out
Non-Woven Garment Storage BagNon-Woven Garment Storage Bag
Non-Woven Garment Storage Bag
Sale priceFrom £9.00
Sold out
White Cotton Garment Storage BagWhite Cotton Garment Storage Bag
White Cotton Garment Storage Bag
Sale priceFrom £30.00
Rubber Non-Slip HangerRubber Non-Slip Hanger
Rubber Non-Slip Hanger
Sale price£11.00
Slightly unraveled acid-free tissue paper on grey marble surface with goblet filled with twig of cherry blossomFolded acid-free tissue paper roll on pure white background
Acid-Free Tissue Paper
Sale priceFrom £10.00
Sold out
Knitwear & T-Shirt Storage bags side by side on textured bedspread containing garments2 Knitwear & T-Shirt Storage bags with black ribbon on the zips
Rubber Non-Slip Hanger with ClipsRubber Non-Slip Hanger with Clips
Sold out
Storage BoxStorage Box
Storage Box
Sale priceFrom £25.00

2 colours available

Coat hanger extensions attached to Chinese coat hangers hanging from railHanger extensions in different colours. navy, sage, yellow and burgundy
Hanger Extensions
Sale price£6.00

4 colours available

Black chinese knot hanger with dark red hanger stays supporting a sequin dress8 dark red hanger stays on white background
Chinese Knot Hanger Stays
Sale price£6.00
Storage Description CardsStorage Description Cards
Storage Description Cards
Sale price£6.00

Wardrobe Storage

Store Clothes Correctly

Our anti-moth product range includes everything you need to get rid of a moth infestation in your clothes, soft furnishing, and carpets. Use our killer Chrysanthemum moth spray to erase existing moths. Monitor for clothes moths by popping the very popular moth box traps under your furniture, these will give you early warning of further infestations.

As the saying goes ‘prevention is better than cure’, our fabulous Moth Decoy confuses the male moths and disrupts the moth lifecycle. Combine with moth repelling drawer and hanging sachets in our signature blend of eight essential oils made in the New Forest.
Cedarwood also has great moth repelling properties, we have some cedar balls which are a great natural alternative to moth balls and cedar hanging blocks to pop inside your wardrobe.

At Total Wardrobe Care we only use natural ingredients to protect your precious garments from moths, our anti-moth products are an effective natural alternative to chemical insecticides.