8 products
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Moth trap box placed underneath table with stack of Vouge magazines on topmoth box
Moth Box
Sale price£10.00
Moth Box Refillsmoth box
Moth Box Refills
Sale price£14.00
Moth Decoymoth decoy
Moth Decoy
Sale price£18.00
Chrysanthemum Moth Killer Spraychrysanthemum spray
moth box and decoymoth decoy moth box linen spray
Moth Box & Moth Decoy Duo
Sale price£28.00
Save £11.00
Moth Busting KitMoth Busting Kit
Moth Busting Kit
Sale price£70.00 Regular price£81.00
Save £12.00
Knitwear and t-shirt storage bag beside hanging sachets, drawer sachets and closed moth boxRange of products from moth box, hanging sachets, drawer sachets and storage bags
Anti-Moth Starter Pack
Sale price£40.00 Regular price£52.00
Save £10.00
Moth DIY KitMoth DIY Kit
Moth DIY Kit
Sale price£67.00 Regular price£77.00

Environmentally Friendly | Backed by Science

Moth Treatments

Looking for effective treatments to get rid of clothes moths? Our range of moth treatments, traps & boxes are backed by science to kill or deter moths in an environmentally friendly way. Say no more to harsh chemicals with our blend of natural scents and bon voyage to those pesky clothes moths.

Clothes Moth Treatments

For existing infestations, our Chrysanthemum Moth Killer Spray kills clothes moths, putting a stop to their clothes-munching antics. Our moth traps are great for monitoring moth levels, they attract the male moth which then traps and kills them, therefore stopping the breeding cycle. On the other hand, our moth decoy is a brilliant option to confuse moths and break the breeding cycle without killing them. Combining these moth treatments is the perfect long term pest control solution.

Moth Treatment Kits

We have a number of moth treatment kits available which can provide you with the full clothes moth killer toolkit whilst saving you money.

Our Moth Repellent DIY Kit (includes Moth Box, Moth Decoy, Chrysanthemum Spray, Essential Oil & Diffuser) , monitors your moth infestation, kills the existing moths and prevents further infestation.

The Total Wardrobe Care Anti-Moth Starter Kit contains our moth box, hanging & drawer sachets and knitwear bags to protect your clothes.

Protect your clothes and soft furnishings from clothes moths with our Moth Busting Kit which includes our Chrysanthemum Spray, Moth Box, Moth Decoy and Hanging Sachets, the ulitimate moth removal and prevention kit!

Shop our range of expertly crafted moth treatments and keep your home moth free.