23 products
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Moth trap box placed underneath table with stack of Vouge magazines on topmoth box
Moth Box
Sale price£10.00
Moth Box Refillsmoth box
Moth Box Refills
Sale price£14.00
Moth Decoymoth decoy
Moth Decoy
Sale price£18.00
Chrysanthemum Moth Killer Spraychrysanthemum spray
May Chang blend hanging sachet on marbled surface beside small white flowersPink and White May Chang hanging sachet on white background
Hanging Sachet - May Chang Blend
Sale priceFrom £7.00
Unzipped Knitwear Storage Bag With Grey Wool Jumper inside and a drawer sachet sitting on top on jumper. The knitwear bag is placed on a elegant chair | Total Wardrobe CareWhite Knitwear Storage Bag Half Unzipped With Clear Sides Showing A Couple Of Wool Jumpers Inside
Knitwear & T-Shirt Storage Bag
Sale priceFrom £10.00
Cedarwood blend hanging sachet among cedar plants on marbled surfaceAnti-moth hanging sachet in cedarwood blend on white background
Hanging Sachet - Cedarwood Blend
Sale priceFrom £7.00
Single may chang drawer sachet on pink fabric beside flowersSingle may chang blend drawer sachet on white background
Drawer Sachet - May Chang Blend
Sale priceFrom £5.00
Scented Drawer LinersScented Drawer Liners
Scented Drawer Liners
Sale priceFrom £20.00
6 cedarwood balls loose from the small bag containing more cedarwood anti-moth balls with cashmere jumpers to backgroundSmall see through bag with canada red cedarwood balls with 4 balls separate on white background
Canada Red Cedar Balls
Sale price£8.00
Open knitwear bag with 2 folded cashmere jumpers and anti-moth sticker on top with cherry blossoms surroundingKnitwear and t-shirt storage bag on white background with black tassel
Cashmere Storage Bag
Sale priceFrom £24.00
Natural Cedar Blend Refresher Sprayrefresher spray
Cedarwood blend drawers sachet on marble surface among small white flowersSingle cedarwood blend drawer sachet on white background
Drawer Sachet - Cedarwood Blend
Sale priceFrom £5.00
A row of cedarwood hanging blocks lined on a mirrored circular table with vase of dried flowers to the sideSingular cedarwood hanger standing beside a row of laying down hangers on white background
Cedarwood Hanging Blocks
Sale priceFrom £3.00
Rubber Non-Slip HangerRubber Non-Slip Hanger
Rubber Non-Slip Hanger
Sale price£11.00
May Chang Linen Spraynatural linen spray
May Chang Linen Spray
Sale price£25.00
May Chang Essential OilMay Chang Essential Oil
May Chang Essential Oil
Sale price£20.00
Natural anti-moth hanging sachet in vetivert blend on marbled surfaceVetivert blend hanging sachet on white background
Hanging Sachet - Vetivert Blend
Sale priceFrom £7.00
Sold out
Knitwear & T-Shirt Storage bags side by side on textured bedspread containing garments2 Knitwear & T-Shirt Storage bags with black ribbon on the zips
Stacked travel packing cubes on wooden tableTotal Wardrobe Care travel packing cubes in branded packaging
Travel Packing Cubes
Sale priceFrom £30.00
Singular vetivert drawer sachet on green plantsNatural drawer sachet in vetivert blend on white background
Drawer Sachet - Vetivert Blend
Sale priceFrom £5.00
Save £14.00
Vetivert Set Special OfferVetivert Set Special Offer
Vetivert Set Special Offer
Sale price£35.00 Regular price£49.00
Save £14.00
natural drawer sachetallonwhite
Cedarwood Special Offer Set
Sale price£35.00 Regular price£49.00

We’re happy to share our collection of best-selling products. From our Garment Bags, as seen in Vogue, to our highly effective Moth Boxes.

Best Selling Moth Prevention & Protection Products

Tired of moths invading your space? Try our premium Moth Boxes laced with female moth pheromone which entice male moths, traps and kills them, effectively breaking the moth breeding cycle. Subscribe and save to our Moth Box Refills for the perfect, year-round anti-moth solution.

Our moth killer spray, kills moths on impact, perfect for
removing the existing moths in your rooms. Prevent further clothes moths from damaging
your clothes, carpets and soft furnishings by using a combination of moth repelling hanging sachets, drawer sachets, moth decoy, moth repelling drawer liners, natural cedarwood moth repellents and our beautiful linen sprays with natural oils.

Protect Your Clothes From Moths

Protect your cashmere with our best-selling cashmere storage bags and our knitwear storage bags. Our travel packing cubes are perfect for keeping your suitcase organised and your clothes and accessories protected whilst away from home.